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Total Roblox Drama Wiki
Total Roblox Drama Wiki
Skins is constantly changing.

This page is consistently being updated, meaning that the data may not be completely up to date. Help update the page if needed!


Skins are alternative cosmetics for playable characters. They can be obtained in the 24-hour shop alongside the marshmallows and boat colors and are used to change a character's visual appearance. If you purchase a character in the 24-hour-shop, you will get to keep it and equip it at any time as long as the skin corresponds to your current player character. They are also typically the most expensive items in the 24-hour-shop, ranging from @750 to @1500.

List of Skins


Skin Name Price Description
AJ's Alliance AJ's Alliance[1] @1750 A skin based off from when Chef formed an alliance with DJ. This was only available during the 2024 April Fools update and is set to never return to the shop.
BalletAJHD Ballet AJ @1050 A skin based off an outfit DJ wore in the Total Drama Island episode, "Not Quite Famous". He wears this ballet costume for the talent show.
PyjamaAJHD Pyjama AJ @1050 A skin based off of DJ's pyjamas he wears in Total Drama Island episode, "If You Can't Take the Heat...".


Skin Name Price Description
DiscoAlfonso Disco Alfonso @900 A skin based off of the outfit that Alejandro wore in the Song, "We Built Gwen's Face". This outfit was worn in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Sweden Sour".

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Pony Alfonso @750 A skin based off of the hairstyle Alejandro wore in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Greece's Pieces".
Robot-Alfonso Robot Alfonso @1050 A skin based off of the Drama Machine, a rusty, worn-out robot that Alejandro was later placed inside in.


Skin Name Price Description
SasquatchAvaHD Sasquatch Ava @900 A skin based off of the outfit that Eva wore in the Total Drama Island episode, "No Pain, No Game".


Skin Name Price Description
CaveBetsyHD Cave Betsy @900 A skin based off of the outfit that Beth wore in the Total Drama Action episode, "One Million Bucks, B.C".
Pyjama Betsy HD Pyjama Betsy @900 A skin based off of Beth's pyjamas in the Total Drama Action episode, "Million Dollar Babies".


Skin Name Price Description
CowboyO Cowboy-O @1050 A skin based off of the outfit Owen wears in the Total Drama Action episode, "3:10 to Crazytown".
Disco-OHD Disco-O @1050 A skin based off of the outfit Owen wears in the song "We Built Gwen's Face". This outfit was worn in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Sweden Sour".
GEISHAOWEN Geisha-O @1200 A skin based off of the outfit Owen wears in the Total Drama Action episode, "Crouching Courtney, Hidden Owen".
Monster-OHD Monster-O @1050 A skin based off of the costume Owen wore in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan".


Skin Name Price Description
Deadfish Gown Blair @1200 A skin based of an outfit that Blaineley wore in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Niagara Brawls".
SNAKEBLAINLEY Snake Blair @900 A skin based off of Blaineley when she was attacked in Total Drama: World Tour during an episode of the show Total Drama Aftermath.


Skin Name Price Description
Aftershow-brianna Aftershow Brianna @1050 A skin based off of the outfit that Bridgette wore while singing "I’m Sorry" in the Total Drama: World Tour during an episode of the show Total Drama Aftermath.
Coat Brianna Winter Brianna[2] @1050 A skin based off of Bridgette when she was left on another country in Total Drama: World Tour during an episode of the show Total Drama Aftermath.


Skin Name Price Description
FrozenCory2- Frozen Cory @1150 or @0 (Christmas Calendar) A skin based off an appearance of Cody in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better".
Greece cory skins page Greece Cory[3] @1200 A skin based off an appearance of Cody in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Greece's Pieces".


Skin Name Price Description
CaveCourt Cave Courtlyn @900 A skin based off of an outfit that Courtney wore in the Total Drama Action episode, "One Million Bucks, B.C".
PrincessCourtlynHD Princess Courtlyn @1200 A skin based off of an outfit that Courtney wore in the Total Drama Action episode, "Princess Pride".
WeddingCourt Gown Courtlyn @1200 A skin based off of an outfit that Courtney wore in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Niagara Brawls".
PJCourt Pyjama Courtlyn @1125 A skin based off Courtney's pyjamas in the Total Drama Action episode, "Million Dollar Babies".
WigCourtlynHD Wigged Courtlyn @900 A skin based off the wig that Courtney wore in the Total Drama Action' episode, "Ocean’s Eight - Or Nine".
Disco Courtlyn Disco Courtlyn @1050 A skin based off of the outfit that Courtney wore in the song, "We Built Gwen's Face". This outfit was worn in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Sweden Sour".


Skin Name Price Description
BadikahSwimmerDizzy Swimmer Dizzy @1050 A skin based off the swimsuit that Izzy wore in the Total Drama Island episode, "Haute Camp-ture".
Screen Shot 2023-09-30 at 11.33.48 PM-removebg-preview Pyjama Dizzy @1050 A skin based off Izzy's pyjamas in the Total Drama Action episode, "Riot on Set".
GrandmaDizzyFixed Grandma Dizzy @1125 A skin based off the outfit that Izzy wore in the Total Drama Action episode, "Riot On Set".
Beardizzy-removebg-preview Bear Dizzy @900 A skin based off the costume that Izzy wore in the Total Drama Island episode, "The Sucky Outdoors", where she dressed as a bear to scare her teammates.
Polar Bear Dizzy Polar Bear Dizzy[2] @1125 A skin based off the costume that Izzy wore in the Total Drama: World Tour intro, dressing up as a polar bear to scare Lindsay.
Static-assets-upload2903064288524401290 Radioactive Dizzy @750 A skin based on Izzy's appearance in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better", when she stays in a radioactive box.


Skin Name Price Description
PrisonerDustin Prisoner Dustin @900 A skin based off an outfit Duncan wore in the bonus clip of the Total Drama All-Stars episode, "You Regatta Be Kidding Me".
CaveDustin Cave Dustin @900 A skin based off an outfit that Duncan wore in the Total Drama Action episode, "One Million Bucks, B.C.".
DiscoDustin Disco Dustin @900 A skin based off of the outfit that Duncan wore in the Song, "We Built Gwen's Face". This outfit was worn in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Sweden Sour".


Skin Name Price Description
A5BFF523-7B75-41A7-A557-73CFA757E73D 2 -removebg-preview OG Gen[1] @1500 A skin intended to be the original design of Gen from the early days of the game. This was only available during the 2023 April Fools update. She will most likely never return to the shop.
Pyjama Gen Pyjama Gen @900 A skin based off Gwen's pyjamas in the Total Drama Action episode, "The Chefshank Redemption".


Skin Name Price Description
Captain harry Captain Harry @1050 A skin based off a Superhero outfit Harold wore in the Total Drama Action episode, "Super Hero-ld".
Pyjama Harry Pyjama Harry @900 A skin based off Harold's pyjamas that he wore across Total Drama Island in the episode "If You Can't Take the Heat..." and Total Drama Action in the episode "Million Dollar Babies".
SamuraiHarry Samurai Harry @1050 A skin based off an outfit Harold wore in the Total Drama World Tour episode, "Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan".


Skin Name Price Description
BaldHeavleyHD Bald Heavely @900 A skin based off Heather in the Total Drama Island episode, " I Triple Dog Dare You!", in which due to a dare, her head is shaved, leaving her bald.
NewPonyHeavley Ponytail Heavely @750 A skin based after Heather who had her head shaved in Total Drama Island. Her hair slowly regrew over the course of the seasons. In Total Drama World Tour, this is her main hair style.
CaveHeavleyHD Cave Heavely @1125 A skin based off an outfit that Heather wore in the Total Drama Action episode, "One Million Bucks, B.C.".
PJHeav Pyjama Heavely @1050 A skin based off Heather's pyjamas in the Total Drama Action episode, "Million Dollar Babies".
BallerinaHeavleyHD Ballerina Heavely @1200 A skin based off an outfit Heather wore in the Total Drama Island episode, "Not Quite Famous". She wears this ballerina costume for the talent show.
DiscoHeavely Disco Heavely @1125 A skin based off of the outfit that Heather wore in the Song, "We Built Gwen's Face". This outfit was worn in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Sweden Sour".
GownHeavely3 Gown Heavely @1350 A skin based off of an outfit that Heather wore in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Niagara Brawls".
WinterHeavelyHD Winter Heavely[2] @1050 A skin based off an outfit Heather wore in the bonus clip of the Total Drama All-Stars episode, "The Obsta-Kill Kourse".
FrozenHeavelyHD Frozen Heavely @1150 or @0 (Christmas Calendar) A skin based off when Leshawna locked Heather inside of the freezer, in the Total Drama Island episode, "If You Can't Take the Heat...".


Skin Name Price Description
Aftershow Jeff-removebg-preview Aftershow Jeff @1125 A skin based off of the outfit that Geoff wore in the Total Drama: World Tour aftermath show.


Skin Name Price Description
Screenshot 1009 -removebg-preview (1) Brother Justis @1125 A skin based off an outfit that Justin wore in the Total Drama Action special.
PJJustis Pyjama Justis @1050 A skin based off Justin's pyjamas in the Total Drama Action episode, "Million Dollar Babies".


Skin Name Price Description
GreenKacyHD Green Kacy @1050 A skin based off an outfit that Katie wore in the Total Drama Action special.


Skin Name Price Description
Aqua Leanna Aqua Leanna @900 A skin based off a Superhero outfit Leshawna wore in the Total Drama Action episode, "Super-Hero-ld".
Pyjama Leanna Pyjama Leanna @900 A skin based off Leshawna's pyjamas in the Total Drama Action episode, "Million Dollar Babies".
Cave Leanna Cave Leanna @900 A skin based off an outfit Leshawna wore in the Total Drama Action episode, "One Million Bucks, B.C.".


Skin Name Price Description
Wonderlibby Wonder Libby @1200 A skin based off an outfit Lindsay wore in the Total Drama Action episode, "Super-Hero-ld". She dresses up as the popular superhero Wonder Woman.
Screenshot 1125 -removebg-preview Admiral Libby @900 A skin based off an outfit Lindsay wore in the Total Drama Action episode, "Full Metal Drama".
PyjamaLibby Pyjama Libby @1050 A skin based off Lindsay's pyjamas in the Total Drama Action episode, "Million Dollar Babies".
NewYorkLibbyHD New York Libby @1425 A skin based off an outfit Lindsay wore in the song "What's Not to Love". This outfit was worn in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Broadway, Baby!".
CaveLibbyINGAME Cave Libby @900 A skin based off an outfit Lindsay wore in the Total Drama Action episode, "One Million Bucks, B.C.".


Skin Name Price Description
AssistantNOLANNNNN Assistant Nolan @900 A skin based off an outfit Noah wore in the Total Drama Action Reunion special, "Celebrity Manhunt's". He's seen working as Chris McLean's assistant.


Skin Name Price Description
DiscoSaraHD Disco Sara @1125 A skin based off of the outfit that Sierra wore in the song, "We Built Gwen's Face". This outfit was worn in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Sweden Sour".
Gownsara-removebg-preview Gown Sara @1125 A skin based off of an outfit that Sierra wore in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Niagara Brawls".


Skin Name Price Description
GreenStacyHD Green Stacy @1050 A skin based off an outfit that Sadie wore in the Total Drama Action special.
DeerStacyHD Deer Stacy @1050 or @0 (Christmas Calendar) A skin based off an outfit that Sadie wore in the Total Drama Island episode, "Paintball Deer Hunter".


Skin Name Price Description
Brothertravis-removebg-preview Brother Travis @1125 A skin based off an outfit that Trent wore in the Total Drama Action special.
DeerTravisHD Deer Travis @1050 or @0 (Christmas Calendar) A skin based off an outfit that Trent wore in the Total Drama Island episode, "Paintball Deer Hunter".


Skin Name Price Description
OT Greece Tyson[3] @1200 A skin based off an outfit Tyler wore in the Total Drama: World Tour episode, "Greece's Pieces".


Skin Name Price Description
Mutant Zeeke Mutant Zeeke @1200 A feral form of Ezekiel seen since Total Drama: World Tour.



Skin Name Price Description
ShineBrightLikeADiamond Diamond Annabella @900 A skin based off the diamond that Anne Maria held in the Total Drama: Revenge of the Island episode, "A Mine Is a Terrible Thing to Waste".


Skin Name Price Description
DiverConcreteHD Diver Concrete @1050 A skin based off a scuba diving suit Brick wore in the Total Drama: Revenge of the Island episode, "Backstabbers Ahoy!".


Skin Name Price Description
DZT Danikazoid @1050 A skin based off the appearance of Dakota in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island when she becomes a mutant thanks to the toxic waste, since the episode "The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean".
Interndani Intern Danika @900 A skin based off an outfit Dakota wore in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island when she was forced to be an intern, seen since the episode "Finders Creepers".
PJD Pyjama Danika @1050 A skin based off Dakota's pyjamas in the Total Drama: Revenge of the Island episode, "Truth or Laser Shark".


Skin Name Price Description
Pyjama dusk Pyjama Dusk @900 A skin based off Dawn's pyjamas in the Total Drama: Revenge of the Island episode, "Finders Creepers".


Skin Name Price Description
Bald steffii Bald Steffi @750 A skin based off Staci in the Total Drama: Revenge of the Island episode, "Bigger, Badder Brutal-er", in which she goes bald due to a radioactive marshmallow.



Skin Name Price Description
PyjamaCameron Pyjama Callum @900 A skin based off Cameron's pyjamas in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.
Image-removebg-preview (23) Bubble Callum @750 A skin based off Cameron's bubble suit in the Total Drama All-Stars episode, "Zeek and Ye Shall Find".


Skin Name Price Description
DiverJossHD Diver Joss @1050 A skin based off a scuba diving suit that Jo wore in the Total Drama: Revenge of the Island episode, "Backstabbers Ahoy!".
Screenshot 1179 -removebg-preview Makeup Joss @750 A skin based off the makeup Jo used in the Total Drama: Revenge of the Island episode, "Runaway Model".


Skin Name Price Description
PMT Pyjama Mitch @900 A skin based off Mike's pyjamas in the Total Drama: Revenge of the Island episode, "Backstabbers Ahoy!".
Sylvia HD Sylvia @750 A skin based off Svetlana, one of Mike's alternate personalities.
UpdatedMel Mel @900 A skin based off Mal, one of Mike's alternate personalities.
Manitoba Manito @750 A skin based off Manitoba Smith, one of Mike's alternate personalities.


Skin Name Price Description
PyjamaSanderHD Pyjama Sander @900 A skin based off Sam's pyjamas in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island and Total Drama All-Stars.


Skin Name Price Description
Image-removebg-preview (27) Pyjama Scoop @900 A skin based off Scott's pyjamas in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island and Total Drama All-Stars.


Skin Name Price Description
ZappedThunderr Zapped Thunder @750 A skin based off Lightning in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island's last episode, "Brain vs. Brawn: The Ultimate Showdown", where his hair turns white after being zapped by thunder, caused by Cameron. He reappears like this in Total Drama All-Stars.
PyjamaT Pyjama Thunder @900 A skin based off Lightning's pyjamas in the Total Drama: Revenge of the Island episode, "Backstabbers Ahoy!".


Skin Name Price Description
Commander Zyla Commander Zyla @900 A skin based off Commando Zoey in the Total Drama: Revenge of the Island episode, "Eat, Puke, and Be Wary".
Pj Zyla-removebg-preview Pyjama Zyla @900 A skin based off Zoey's pyjamas in the Total Drama All-Stars episode, "Evil Dread".



Skin Name Price Description
ZombieShaun Zombie Shaun @1125 A skin referencing Shawn's cameo in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Meet the Victims". Shawn appears has a zombie carboard cut-out.


Skin Name Price Description
Sherifff Sheriff Skylar @1050 A skin based off an outfit Sky wore in the Total Drama: Pahkitew Island episode, "Pahk'd With Talents". She wears this sheriff costume for the talent show.


Skin Name Price Description
RapperSpiceTransparent Rapper Spice @900 A skin based off an outfit Sugar wore in the Total Drama: Pahkitew Island episode, "Pahk'd With Talents" in which she preforms Craptry (a fusion of country and rap music) for the talent show.



Skin Name Price Description
SwampAimeeHD Swamp Aimee @1050 A skin based off Amy's appearance in the Total Drama: Pahkitew Island episode, "A Blast from the Past", in which Amy is covered in mud and swamp residue.


Skin Name Price Description
Gopher's Idol Gopher's Idol[1] @1750 A skin based off Topher's "idol", Chris McLean. This was only available during the 2024 April Fools update and is yet to return in the item shop.


Skin Name Price Description
FrozenJadee-removebg-preview Frozen Jade @1200 A skin based off Jasmine's appearance in the Total Drama: Pahkitew Island's finale, "Lies, Cries and One Big Prize". She becomes lodged in a snowbank and emerges freezing cold while helping Shawn.


Skin Name Price Description
Screenshot 1102 -removebg-preview Pyjama Sammie @900 A skin based off Samey's pyjamas in the Total Drama: Pahkitew Island episode, "I Love You, Grease Pig!".


Skin Name Price Description
EvilScarlaHD Evil Scarla @900 A skin based off when Scarlet "turns evil" in the Total Drama: Pahkitew Island episode, "Scarlett Fever".



Skin Name Price Description
Piratealex1 Pirate Alex @750 A skin based off an outfit Axel wore in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Pirates of the Cabbagean", when she takes the team leader role on the challenge.


Skin Name Price Description
PIZZACHASE Pizza Chaz @900 A skin based off Chase's love for pizza in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "The Truth, The Pole Truth and Nothing But the Truth".


Skin Name Price Description
Blindfold Darien Blindfold Darien @750 A skin based off an blindfold Damien wore in the Total Drama Island 2024 episode, "Taking It to the Rim Reaper". He wore this to face his fears and go down into the water slide for the challenge.


Skin Name Price Description
SuperMollieHD Super Mollie @1200 A skin based off an superhero outfit Millie wore in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Caved by the Bell". She wears this to celebrate her and Priya's 'Super Alliance'.


Skin Name Price Description
SuperPyraHD Super Pyra @1200 A skin based off an superhero outfit Priya wore in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Caved by the Bell". She wears this to celebrate her and Millie's 'Super Alliance'.
PP Pyjama Pyra @1050 A skin based off Priya's pyjamas in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Caved by the Bell".
Shocked Priya screenshot Shocked Pyra @1050 A skin based off Priya's appearance in the Total Drama Island 2024 episode, "Off the Hook!", when she's in a confessional with Caleb after the challenge. Her hair looks shocked because she was electrocuted in the challenge.


Skin Name Price Description
OGRubberHD Original Rubber @750 A skin based off an outfit Ripper wore in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Meet the Victims", he arrives with this at the island but rips it to flex, never getting it back.


Skin Name Price Description

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Extra Spooky @1050 A skin based off when Scary Girl turns her head in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Numbskull Island", making her look more scary, as if she just broke her neck.
NormalSpooky Normal Spooky @1200 A skin based off when Scary Girl comes back in the first episode of Total Drama Island 2024, "The Pink Painter Strikes Again", wearing a more "normal outfit" to try to fit in more, since people said she was eliminated last season for being "too scary".


Skin Name Price Description
ProstheticZedHD Prosthetic Zed @750 A skin based off Zee appearance in Total Drama Island 2023, when he ends up using shorts since the episode "Pirates of the Cabbagean", where he's revealed to wear a prosthesis.
BirdZedHD Bird Zed @1050 A skin based off an outfit Zee wore in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Severe Eggs and Pains".
Raccoon Zed screenshot Raccoon Zed @1050 A skin based off Zee appearance in the Total Drama Island 2024 episode "You Poor Saps", where he gets a racoon and some trash stuck to him because of sticky sap.



Skin Name Price Description
SunglassesBeauHD Sunglasses Beau @750 A skin based off the glasses Bowie originally wore in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Meet the Victims".
KingBeauHD King Beau @750 A skin based off the crown Bowie wore in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Magma Cum Laude", in a confessional.


Skin Name Price Description
Vest Colbyyy Vest Colby @900 A skin based off an outfit Caleb wore in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Pirates of the Cabbagean", in which a screen shows Caleb wearing a vest, lifting up weights.
LogCaleb Log Colby @750 A skin based off Caleb in the Total Drama Island 2024 episode, "You Poor Saps", in which he had a log attached to his clothes because of sticky sap.
Squirrelcolby Squirrel Colby @1200 A skin based off an outfit Caleb wore in the Total Drama Island 2024 finale, "Soar Losers".


Skin Name Price Description
PJEMELIA Pyjama Emelia @900 A skin based off Emma's pyjamas in a Total Drama Island 2023 episode.
FeatherEmelia Feather Emelia @1050 A skin based off Emma appearance in the Total Drama Island 2024 episode "You Poor Saps", where thanks to the sticky sap, she gets some chicken feathers attached to her.


Skin Name Price Description
BUNJULIAA Bun Jenna @750 A skin based off a hairstyle Julia wore in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Caved by the Bell".
CoatJennaHD Winter Jenna[2] @1050 A skin based off an outfit Julia wore in her Total Drama Island 2023 audition tape.
HockeyJennaHD Hockey Jenna @900 A skin based off an outfit Julia's wore in the Total Drama Island 2024 episode, "Off the Hook!".
MulletJennaHD Mullet Jenna @900 A skin based off the hair Julia has currently since the Total Drama Island 2024 episode, "Soar Losers", because when trying to ignore a raptor, the raptor pulled her hair and left her with a mullet.
Squirrel Jenna transparent but bad Squirrel Jenna @1200 A skin based off an outfit Julia wore in the Total Drama Island 2024 finale, "Soar Losers".


Skin Name Price Description
InternMiki Intern Miki @1050 A skin based off MK's intern outfit in some episodes of Total Drama Island 2024, starting from the episode "You Poor Saps".


Skin Name Price Description
Attendant Attendant Nishele @1125 A skin based off Nichelle's Fight-or-Flight outfit in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Drown Town Abbey".
Band Band Nishele @1125 A skin based off Nichelle's Werewolf Band Camp outfit in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Drown Town Abbey".


Skin Name Price Description
BandagedRajahHD Bandaged Rajah @1050 A skin based off an outfit Raj wore after being attacked in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Severe Eggs and Pains".
BeardRajah Beard Rajah @750 A skin based off Raj's fake beard in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "The Launchback of Notre Game".
Pyjama Rajah screenshot Pyjama Rajah @900 A skin based off Raj's pyjamas in the Total Drama Island 2024 episode, "Circling the Drain".
Sick Rajah Sick Rajah @900 A skin based off Raj's appearance in the Total Drama Island 2024 episode, "Breaking Up is Hard to Do", when he gets sick because of eating rotten food.


Skin Name Price Description
Pirate Wayde - @750 Pirate Wayde @750 A skin based off an outfit Wayne wore in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Pirates of the Cabbage'an", in which he puts a pirate hat on to lead his team.
Bandaged Wayde - @900 Bandaged Wayde @900 A skin based off an outfit Wayne wore after being attacked in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "Severe Eggs and Pains".
Screenshot 1141 -removebg-preview Beard Wayde @750 A skin based off Wayne's fake beard in the Total Drama Island 2023 episode, "The Launchback of Notre Game".
SquirrelWayde Squirrel Wayde @1200 A skin based off an outfit Wayne wore in the Total Drama Island 2024 finale, "Soar Losers".


  • In total, there are 134 skins as of May 2024.
  • As of May 2024, there are only 7 contestants that have no skins. Those contestants are as follows
  • As of October 2023, New York Libby holds the place of most expensive skin that you can still buy costing, @1425. While Gopher's Idol and AJ' alliance hold the place for most expensive skin in general costing, @1750.
  • As of December 2023, Heavely holds the record for the most amount of skins, with a total of 9.
  • Prices for the skins as of 27th December, 2023 are: @750 , @900 , @1050 , @1125 , @1150 , @1200 , @1350 , @1425, @1500 and finally @1750.
  • The skin's price depends on how many changes have been done.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 This skin was in the shop for a limited amount of time, so it isn't available in the regular Shop rotation, and it's unknown if it will ever return to the shop.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 This skin is in the shop for a limited amount of time, being available in the regular Shop rotation only for some time, mainly holidays, though it returns every year.
  3. 3.0 3.1 This skin previously had the word "Olympic", but it was change to "Greece" on December 16th, 2023.
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